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ITEM NAME: Guns and Spurs - SOLD OUT!

CATEGORY:  200 Gram Cake

BRAND:  Miracle

SHOTS:  128, 128

SECONDS:  25, 28

ANGLE: ↖↑↗

ITEM #:  M649AB


DESCRIPTION:  A VERSION: Rapid fire 200g roman candle Z cake with big breaks finale. Rapid fire red, green and blue pearls; Red tail up to red/sky blue/white strobe; Brocade crown tail up to gold crown/brocade crown with white/green strobe.   B VERSION: Rapid fire 200g roman candle Z cake with big breaks finale. Rapid fire brocade crown/blue and orange/to chrysanthemum; Gold crown with color pearls, long lasting flower crown for finale!   Both cakes are absolutely awesome!

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